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Setting up Apache Karaf with Camel and ActiveMQ-Camel

ActiveMQ / Camel / Karaf

In this post I’ll cover installing Apache Camel within the OSGi container Apache Karaf with the activemq-camel component.  I’m doing this setup in Windows, however the process should be similar on *nix, you’ll just need to setup your environment and path variables accordingly.  As this was my first time... Read More ››

Synchronous (request-response) messaging with NMS and ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ / Coding

Recently I’ve had the pleasure (?) of working with and learning a little about using Apache’s ActiveMQ with .NET using NMS.  One of the issues I ran into was how to do synchronous messaging.  This post is based on the following resources:  This article was my starting point... Read More ››

Lucandra.NET – A .NET Port of Lucandra (Lucene + Cassandra)

Cassandra / Coding / Lucene

Over the last several months I’ve been researching the best way to solve an issue of being able to be able to full-text search across hundreds of millions of “rows” of information as fast as possible.  A traditional RDBMS would not be the best solution because not all “columns”... Read More ››

MVVM: Using a Timer in your ViewModel

Binding / Coding / MVVM / Silverlight / WPF

Yesterday I found myself needing to periodically sample data for a real-time chart and realized that the “Timer” classes in System.Threading and System.Windows didn’t quite work as expected, raising the following exception: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this. We get this error because... Read More ››

Double-Click Event in Silverlight on FrameworkElement

Coding / Silverlight / WPF

I was rather astonished at the lack of a double-click event in Silverlight despite its existance in WPF (that I’m aware of). I’ve looked at quite a few solutions online, however they all seemed either complex or felt like more of a “hack”. So, I’m going to show you... Read More ››

Cross-Field Attribute Validation in WPF using MVVM and IDataErrorInfo

Binding / Coding / MVVM / Validation / WPF

At one point or another we’ve all had to do some sort of input validation.  In this post, I’m going to show you how to use the IDataErrorInfo interface along with INotifyPropertyChanged and the MVVM pattern to perform cross-field validation (e.g. field A should only be validated if field... Read More ››

Enumerating MS SQL Server Instances and Creating a Simple Connection Form

Coding / SQL Server

Have you ever wanted an SQL Server selection wizard that works similar to the ones found throughout windows?  I had that desire for a little code-generation application that I wrote so I’ll go ahead and share how I accomplished it. What I ended up doing was creating a very... Read More ››

Managing the Windows Server 2008 GAC: Access Denied!

GAC / Server Management

We have decided to manage the bulk of our common assemblies in the GAC due to the simplicity it offers when needing to perform updates/bugfixes across many web applications using them.  This worked beautifully in Windows Server 2000/2003, however when we moved all of our servers over to Windows Server 2008R2... Read More ››

WPF ComboBox and DataBinding: DataContext, ItemsSource, DisplayMemberPath, SelectedItem, SelectedValue & SelectedValuePath

Coding / WPF

A few weeks ago, a friend convinved me to start looking into WPF, XAML and the MVVM pattern.  As I’ve been primarily working with ASP.NET WebForms & MVC2 applications and core system design/development, I haven’t had any exposure to these new(er) technologies, and I thought it might be fun... Read More ››