Archives / 2010 / September

Enumerating MS SQL Server Instances and Creating a Simple Connection Form

Coding / SQL Server

Have you ever wanted an SQL Server selection wizard that works similar to the ones found throughout windows?  I had that desire for a little code-generation application that I... Read More

Managing the Windows Server 2008 GAC: Access Denied!

GAC / Server Management

We have decided to manage the bulk of our common assemblies in the GAC due to the simplicity it offers when needing to perform updates/bugfixes across many web applications using them. ... Read More

WPF ComboBox and DataBinding: DataContext, ItemsSource, DisplayMemberPath, SelectedItem, SelectedValue & SelectedValuePath

Coding / WPF

A few weeks ago, a friend convinved me to start looking into WPF, XAML and the MVVM pattern.  As I’ve been primarily working with ASP.NET WebForms & MVC2 applications... Read More